


Please see below for a link to the interactive parking map or a printable PDF version.




网上泊车登记. 您将被提示登录到您的威尼斯人网上娱乐帐户, 然后只需按照屏幕上的提示完成注册.  (秋季许可证在线门户网站将于2024年7月8日开放)

Please note that refunds for parking passes are not available after the add/drop period of the fall or spring semesters, 丢失的许可证也不会免费补发. 




All employees who wish to park on campus must register their vehicles with the Department of 公共安全.  完成车辆登记后,员工将获得通勤许可证.  Employee permits are valid in their designated zones Monday - Friday from 6 am - to 4:30 pm and in any commuter lot from 4:30 pm until 2 am weekdays and all day Saturday and Sunday.  有效的许可证必须从后视镜朝外正确展示.  没有正确展示有效许可证的车辆被视为未登记 and are subject to ticketing and/or towing.

因为停车场已经满了而非法停车, 其他车辆违规停放, 或者因为工作人员可能会迟到都不是有效的借口.  Overnight parking for faculty and staff is not available except for Residence Life live-in staff.  教员或职员因大学公务出差, they may receive a travel permit from the 公共安全 Department allowing them to park their car overnight in Lot 4 or 29.


All students wishing to park on campus must register their vehicles with the Department of 公共安全.  完成泊车登记后:

  • 通勤学生有资格获得通勤许可证
  • 在校学生有资格获得居留许可

符合条件的学生可以选择购买年度、春季学期或夏季许可证.  许可证必须从后视镜朝外正确展示.  没有正确展示有效许可证的车辆被视为未登记 and are subject to ticketing and/or towing.


教师, staff and student vehicles that possess state-issued handicap license plates or permits must still possess a valid 威尼斯人网上娱乐 parking permit to park on Drake property.


这是学生的责任, faculty and staff to ensure their visitors and guests obtain temporary parking permits either prior to their arrival through the campus Eventbrite site or by paying at the meter in the visitor parking lot located at 25th and Carpenter (Lot 1A) or University and 29th street (Lot 20).  The only exceptions to this rule are guests of the Office of Admission who receive their temporary parking passes from the Admission Office.

Temporary parking permits are also issued to vehicles that will only be on campus for a few days (up to two weeks).  本署签发临时许可证予下列人士:

  1. 天的游客:早上7点在学校.m. 还有5p.m.
  2. 周末宿舍访客: Requires Residence Life approval, valid overnight and during the day Friday beginning at 5 p.m. 到周日下午5点.m.
  3. 为期一周的宿舍停车证:只提供给住校学生.


通勤许可证:那些通勤到学校的人, 包括学生, 可以购买特定区域的通勤许可证吗, 根据他们的停车和价格偏好. 需求高的批次成本更高,而需求低的外围批次成本更低. 通勤停车许可证仅限于选定区域内的停车场.

居民学生:  全天24小时有效,适用于所有住宿/过夜地段.

晚上许可证:  从下午4:30开始生效.m. 到2a.m. 周末在任何通勤停车场都可以.

访客许可证(包括居民和通勤者): 可以用借记卡或信用卡在网上购买(临时通行证) -访客停车场亦设有收费停车场




车辆只能停在明确指定的合法停车位.  张贴有限制停车标志(残疾人士)的区域, 服务车辆, 装货区, 消防车道, 等.)必须遵守及遵从.  在任何行车车道停车, 占用一个以上的停车位, 挡住另一辆车, 禁止在草坪上停车.  It is neither possible nor desirable to post all areas on campus w在这里 vehicles may not park.  Specifically, vehicles are prohibited from all lawns, except when specifically authorized.  严禁在人行道或行人道上驾驶或停车.  停车规定全年有效(365天), 包括课程表上的休息时间.

通勤停车场由标识指定,每周7天从早上6点开始开放.m. 到2a.m.



Standard parking fines are $25 with the exception of 防火线s which are $50 and Handicap Spaces which are $100.  如果车辆被拖走或被启动,将自动收取100美元的费用. 


  1. 在人行道上停车:车辆严禁在人行道上停车.  违反规定的车辆可能会被拖走,费用由车主承担.  (见下文).
  2. Handicap Space: Only vehicles that display a valid state-issued handicap license plate or permit and has a valid Drake parking permit may park in a handicap space.  违反规定的车辆可能会被拖走,费用由车主承担.  (见下文).
  3. 消防栓:车辆不得停在消防栓15英尺范围内.  违反规定的车辆可能会被拖走,费用由车主承担.  (见下文).
  4. 防火线, 巷道, 拖车区:车辆不得停在指定的消防车道内, 行驶车道或拖车区.  违反规定的车辆可能会被拖走,费用由车主承担.  (见下文).
  5. 车位限制:车辆不得在下午六时至下午六时之间停在预留车位内.m. 下午4:30.m.,星期一至五(注明预留24小时的除外).
  6. 停放在草坪上的车辆:特别批准的活动除外, 车辆不得停在草坪上.
  7. 未登记车辆或没有有效的停车许可证. 所有在校车辆必须在公共安全部门登记.  Vehicles parked on campus that are not registered with the Department of 公共安全 and do not possess a valid parking permit may be towed at the owners’ expense.  (见下文).
  8. Not a Legal Space: Vehicles may only be parked in clearly designated legal parking spaces.  这些违规行为包括但不限于, 把车停在行车道上, 挡住另一辆车, 占用一个以上的停车位.
  9. Loading Zone: Loading zones allowing access to buildings must be kept clear of vehicles, 尤其是在书店, 邮件中心和所有食堂.
  10. Warning Ticket: Vehicles may only be parked in clearly designated legal parking spaces with a valid parking permit.


All fines are payable at the Student Services Center (or by sending in a check) within 30 days of tickets being issued. 

学生服务中心,奥姆斯特德中心,2875大学大道,得梅因,IA 50311

电子邮件发票也可以发送,因此可以在线支付引文.  如果您想要电子邮件发票,请将您的引用或车牌号码发送到 studentservices@mokmingsky.com, 我们会为您开具发票.

所有被拖走的车辆都由车主承担费用.  Vehicles that have been towed require a voucher from Drake 公共安全 prior to picking up the vehicle from the tow company.  任何有资格被拖走的车辆,车主返回车辆, or the vehicle is moved before the arrival of the tow company shall be assessed a charge of the ticket plus $50.  所有未付罚款必须全部付清.


要求, the Department of 公共安全 will assist on-campus motorists with disabled vehicles by providing a jump-start and will provide assistance to those who have locked their keys in their vehicle when staffing permits.  如果公共安全部门无法提供帮助, 我们将提供一个当地的业务,可以帮助业主的费用.  请致电公共安全部515-271-2222.


停车罚单可在收到后14天内(罚单日期)提出上诉。.  A Parking Ticket Appeal form is available at the Department of 公共安全 office or 在这里 必须完成.  然后,在上诉中附上一份罚单历史记录,其中列出了以前的任何罚单.  The appeal is reviewed and either approved or denied based on the facts presented and information available.  The following are situations that are typically not accepted as valid extenuating circumstances for parking in violation of 威尼斯人网上娱乐 parking regulations:


  • 你违规停车多久了. 公共安全 Officers will issue a parking ticket to any vehicle parked in violation of regulations.  上诉称车辆只停了两分钟,五分钟等等. 被认为无效.  停车限制适用于任何时期的停车.
  • 你需要按时上课/上班/赴约. It typically requires a few minutes to locate a parking space within the campus’ extensive parking system.  It is suggested that faculty / staff members plan their schedules to allow sufficient time to find and park in a legal space.
  • 断言类不在会话中. 停车规定在全年(365天)有效。, 包括课程表上的休息时间.
  • 你需要装载或卸载. Any vehicle that does not receive prior authorization from the Department of 公共安全 Office and displays a permit is in violation of parking regulations.  不能在事后批准装卸货物.
  • 上诉人声称他或她没有看到标志或线条标记. 司机有责任注意并遵守所有张贴的标志, 注意事项及划线.
  • 客人/访客声称他或她不知道停车规则. 众所周知,那个教员, staff and students are responsible for obtaining a valid parking permit for their guests and should ensure that their guest parks legally.
  • 断言客户忘记登记他或她的车辆. 所有车辆必须在公共安全部门登记.  No matter how short a period you might have the vehicle on campus or if you are waiting for new plates, 您的驾驶执照或车辆登记, 等.,可签发临时停车许可证.  没有正确展示有效许可证的车辆被视为未登记.
  • 车辆故障. Customers who experience a vehicle malfunction should contact the Department of 公共安全 office for assistance.  公共安全可以协助校园车辆的启动和解锁, 或将协助您联系维修车库.
  • 四路危险闪光灯的使用. Four-way flashers are designated to warn other motorists that your vehicle may be a hazard.  使用四向闪光灯不允许你在任何时间内非法停车.


  • 通勤停车场:每周7天开放,早上6点到2点.m.
  • 住宅用地:24/7开放
  • 参观区:每周七天开放,早上6点至凌晨2点





    非紧急情况- 515-271-2222

     紧急情况- 911



